Quark Power focuses on advancing the next generation of Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) simulation platforms, with the goal of aiding clients in shifting power system simulations towards the domain of pure EMT.
Our specialization involves the modeling, simulation, and analysis of contemporary power systems using well-recognized simulation tools and our our own EMT platform, all tailored to our clients’ needs.

Quark Power Inc.
Quark Power specializes in modeling, simulating, and analyzing modern power systems.
Renewables Model Support
- Wind/Solar Energy modeling
- Energy Storage modeling
- Interconnection support
- Benchmarking test using EMT/RMS models
- DLL based user-defined model support
- …
Power System modeling
- HVDC/FACTS modeling
- Transmission modeling
- Transformer modeling
- Generator modeling
- Governor/Exciter modeling
- Large-scale power system EMT modeling
- …
EMT studies
- Cluster studies
- Affected studies
- Interconnection feasibility studies
- Sub-synchronous control interaction (SSCI) studies
- TRV/TOV studies
- Inrush current studies
- …

Quark Power Inc.
Quark Power is currently working on creating rapid EMT simulation engines to address the complex task of simulating large-scale power systems that incorporate diverse renewable energies and energy storage solutions.
Large Time-Step EMT Simulator
- Ultra-fast EMT Engine for large-scale power system simulation
- EMT simulation in ~ms time step with high accuracy
- Visual-based and text-based modeling
- Importing models from other RMS program
- Generic renewable energy models support
- Excution from external scripts
- Large Time-Step EMT Engine
Small Time-Step EMT Simulator
- Fast EMT engine for large-scale power system simulation with HVDC/FACTS
- Visual-based and text-based modeling
- Automated parallel simulation
- Enhanced generator model
- Fast MMC-HVDC model
- Generic renewable energy models support
- Co-simulation with other EMT model
- Excution from external scripts
Other Features
- Intuitive graphical user interface
- Database structure
- Grid visibility solutions
- Automated grid partition
- Abundance of visual elements
- Integrated plot tool
- Intgrated fault scan tool
- Bulk operation support